It is not surprising to learn that Justin Bieber Fans Club could be the sole reason of the idol’s all kill winning in various music show. It takes less years for Justin to be popular. This could happen only by one social media: Twitter. So how does exactly the domination take place?
– The Personal Interaction
Just in case any of you haven’t heard, Justin is currently the most loved young idol. The fans come from different age and gender. After the news about the idol’s official account is published, millions people are following him on twitter. Some other idols do similar tricks, but what makes Justin different?
It would be the personal interaction. Justin is known to be active in his social media. He never hesitates to reply his fans who mention him with sweet words. One time a fan who wonder what it is like to be noticed by Justin? got a reply: like this I noticed you. The simple words triggers more tweets that day.
– The Idols Promoter
Another reason for the Twitter domination is Justin himself. Instead of asking manager or admin to give update, he does all by himself. Within a day, he continuously tweet about his activities. There are many times when he shows the back stage filming for a commercial or photo shoot.
Upon receiving such trigger, many fans are being loyal and wait for the next update. Each of the latest tweet then re-tweeted by the other fans. Imagine this cycle happen for the last twelve hours! Justin hash tag would fill the trending topic of the world.
– The Reminder
In addition to the schedule and activity, Justin is also a good reminder. Whenever he is nominated for an award, he will remind the fans to vote for him. Without question, the loyal fans are willingly doing so. The fans will tell the other fans to vote also. Some even make tutorials for those who are not familiar with the steps. As the result of his continuous effort, Justin has the most followers. It takes several popular stars followers combined together to catch up with Beliebers.
In the modern day, city tour promotion is not the only way to gain fans attention. Compare the old strategy with the newest one: Twitter. It is installed in many fans phone and the idol could simply tweet and reply. This interaction makes Justin Bieber Fans Club go crazy and rule the trending hash tag.